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Why loose tea is better than tea bags?

There’s always been a silent war among the tea lovers on what is better – loose tea or tea bags? A handful of people say that tea bags are amazing, while the rest assert that loose tea is much better. To begin with, loose long leaf tea essentially means that the tea made from unbroken and whole leaves. On the other hand – with an exception of some brands producing long leaf tea bags, which provides an ineffective tea – the tea bags has dust and/or fannings are stuffed in small porous bags.

Now that the difference between these is done with, let’s settle this debate once and for all. How? By pointing out the factual pros and cons of both the teas, so that you can decide by yourself!

Preserving the original flavour 

Teas thrive and give more when they get more room to expand, which releases a stronger, more pleasurable flavour. Teabags are generally made to be low-flow, which prevents the contents in the bags to diffuse properly in the cup. Because of the size, shape, substance of the bag as well as the quantity of tea available inside, the infusion of the tea bags is rather limited. It leads to producing basic and sometimes bland, tea. The tea from tea bags, even if they are made to give you the ‘full experience’, will never taste the same as loose tea. It is because the former denies the core nature of the leaves – unfurling to infuse that aroma and flavour.

As opposed to this, the loose tea provides the aroma and flavour to a T. It doesn’t go through the standardization process that is applied to the tea bags. It, therefore, manages to give the cup the enchanting tea taste that everyone craves. A good loose tea engages all your senses – there are the ethereal flavour, the delightful scent and the enchanting visual treat of watching the leaves being brewed!

The threat of plastic consumption

Tea lovers who regularly consume tea made from tea bags are in for a shock. Did you know that when you dip tea bags in the cup, it comes back up after leaving tiny bits of plastic in it? A study conducted by Canadian researchers found that tea bags being brewed in high temperatures releases a concerning amount of microplastics.

How? Let’s check out some facts! Hot water shrinks and damages some materials, and to an extent, can also seriously affect the tea bags. Generally, therefore, tea bags are sealed in such a way that they still hold themselves together when tipped in the hot water. To achieve this, a plastic polymer – that goes by the name polypropylene – is used. Polypropylene is a thermoplastic polymer, used in a variety of places, mostly for packaging. Known as sealing plastic, polypropylene is, sadly, not biodegradable.

Even though the amount of this plastic being used might differ from one manufacturer to other, the threat of plastic consumption is still there. When consumed for a long time, it can pose a danger to your body, affecting the endocrine system, for example, and inducing an array of health issues. And don’t forget its inability to decompose, which is harmful to the environment. Admittedly, some brands produce plastic-free tea bags; however, not only are they in minority but they aren’t easily available.

This does make loose tea seem like the safer option, doesn’t it?

Cheap over Quality?

Most people are looking for a quick fix while making tea, which leads them to choose teabags. Teabags are, inarguably, inexpensive as well as easier and quicker to make – but that’s an unjust compromise with the quality and health, don’t you think? Comparatively, loose tea might be an expensive and time-consuming option; however, the tea you’ll get at the end will simply be unmatchable!

The type of tea you prefer is now your choice. However, when you look at it objectively, the loose tea comes out more beneficial, more fulfilling and simply amazing, as compared to tea bags.


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